303 companies




    Hundreds of categories, thousands of services, millions of details. How to find your way around it all? We made an overview for you, so you can easily find services in Canada that offer exactly what you are looking for. Do you want to reorganize your terrace or garden? Visit our garden category. Are you looking for a new challenge or a new job? Look for it in the job search subcategory. Do you need some help with computers or software? Have a look at software solutions companies in the service category. Here you will find a people-based experience that will help you to choose the best services.

    Our overview guarantees unbiased opinions based on customer experience. All the data is purely based on the data and feedback of the people who used those services. No matter if you live in Toronto, Vancouver, or Ottawa. On our pages, you will find reviews from all over Canada. Reviews, opinions, experiences, or complaints written by customers who used the services before you and give honest advice. Have you ever tried house services or other services? Feel free to share your own experience and let people know!
