Manage your reviews

Sometimes, we write a review after a bad experience and later wish to change it. Mistakes happen, and at AllReviews, we let you take control of your testimonials to reflect your true experiences.

We provide easy review management options. You can edit your reviews to fix mistakes or add new details, with no limits on changes. We understand that views can change and new information may come up.

How to Edit a Posted Review

Editing your review is simple through your user panel.

  1. Log in with the button at the top right corner.
  2. Select "Edit Review."
  3. Make your changes.
  4. Click Save.

We do not support editing reviews under threats from companies. If this happens, report to us right away.

Tips for Editing a Review

We value transparency and honesty. Here are some tips:

  • Is it needed? Fixing small errors is okay, but a clear and good review is always best.
  • Are you doing it freely? Never edit reviews under pressure. Report any coercion to us.
  • Does it have personal or sensitive info? Focus on the brand and your experience without sharing personal details.

How to Delete a Posted Review

You can also delete reviews if needed. Use this if you reviewed the wrong profile or if there was a misunderstanding. If your issue is resolved, think about other options before deleting.

Only delete your review if you must and without outside pressure. To delete a review:

  1. Log in at the top right.
  2. Select "Delete Review."
  3. Confirm by clicking accept.

What Does It Mean to Mark a Review as Resolved?

Our platform lets you show that your issue was resolved by the company, turning a negative review into a positive outcome.

Right now, you can't mark your own review as resolved, but you can confirm resolution with the company. Then, we'll mark it as "resolved." This is great for businesses wanting a better public image. Contact us to mark your review as resolved if:

The business has resolved your issue and shown they are addressing your negative experience.