Guidelines for Writing Effective Reviews



We all have opinions, but not all opinions matter equally. Think of it this way: in a historical debate, does an expert's view weigh the same as a random person's? Likewise, it's important to know the right time and way to write an online review about a business. This guide will help you know the best times to post reviews and give you tips on writing them effectively.

When is the Best Time to Write a Business Review?

After looking at many reviews and talking to our community, we found the best times to write a review:

After Dealing Directly with the Business

It's important that you have real experience with the business you're reviewing. Reviews should be based on verified interactions.

  • Write a review when: You have bought something or used a service from the business. If there's no transaction, make sure you've had direct dealings with the owner, store, or website.
  • Don't write a review when: You lack personal experience or are guessing based on second-hand information. Avoid reviewing if you haven't had any dealings with the business.

Shortly After Using the Product or Service

Writing a review soon after your experience ensures you remember the details and can provide accurate, valuable feedback.

  • Write a review when: You can clearly recall and explain your experience with actual data, giving useful info to others.
  • Don't write a review when: Too much time has passed and you can't remember all the details. In such cases, share general feelings about the experience rather than specifics.

With Complete Honesty and Openness

Honesty is key; don't use the review to attack the business. The goal is to inform other users. If your experience was negative, provide an honest account to warn others about bad practices.

  • Write a review when: You have had a real experience and can describe it truthfully, recognizing both good and bad feedback.
  • Don't write a review when: You aim to defame the business with lies or use offensive language, breaking our conduct rules.

When and Why Should You Avoid Writing a Business Review?

Sometimes, there are situations beyond our control as an independent review platform. Companies may try to manipulate negative reviews by offering rewards or making threats. If this happens, know that AllReviews does not support it. We can make your review anonymous or penalize the company if you report these actions.

Contact us if a business has threatened you or tried to bribe you to change your review.

When Not to Write a Review

For the community’s benefit and to stay honest, avoid writing or editing a review in these situations:

When Offered Financial Incentives

Taking money for a positive review is wrong. This practice twists honest feedback and can mislead potential customers.

If You Have Conflicts of Interest

Don't write reviews if you have a personal relationship with someone in the business. Objectivity is crucial, and reviews should be based on genuine, unbiased experiences.

Together, we can build a community that rewards businesses with good practices and punishes those with bad ones.