Cookie Policy

We emphasize clarity and transparency in managing your data. This Cookie Policy, part of AllReviews' Privacy Policy, outlines our use of cookies and similar technologies when you interact with our website.

What is a Cookie?

A cookie is a tiny text file stored on your computer or device through your browser at the request of websites you visit or apps you use. Cookies preserve preferences and settings, helping us enhance your experience by providing necessary information. We also use cookies to monitor the performance of new features or tests to evaluate their effectiveness.

Types of Cookies We Use:

  • Session Cookies: These are temporary and removed when you close your browser. They help manage your visit without retaining data between sessions.

  • Persistent Cookies: These stay on your device until they expire or are deleted and recognize your returns, enhancing user convenience.

Additional Technologies:

We also use tags, tracking pixels, local storage, scripts, and device identifiers, among others. These technologies work alongside cookies to boost functionality by storing and managing data from your device.

Updates and Changes:

Our cookie usage and this policy may evolve, and we will notify you of significant updates either during your next visit or through other communication methods.

This clear explanation aims to help you understand and manage your preferences regarding our use of cookies and related technologies.

Understanding Cookie Types on AllReviews

What are First-Party and Third-Party Cookies?

  • First-Party Cookies: These are generated and accessed by the website you visit, helping to enhance functionality by remembering preferences and settings specific to that site.

  • Third-Party Cookies: Created by domains other than the one you are visiting, these cookies track across multiple sites and boost third-party service effectiveness.

Cookies We Use on AllReviews:

  • Essential Cookies: Crucial for basic website operations, these cannot be opted out of. They enable functions like login, service delivery based on your settings and location, and help manage your cookie preferences and policy consents.

  • Performance Cookies: These collect data to analyze and improve our website’s performance, understanding user interaction, and identifying issues to enhance user experience. Opt-out instructions are available under ‘Cookie Settings’.

  • Functionality Cookies: These personalize the user experience by remembering login details, browser settings, and preferences to tailor content and services effectively.

  • Marketing Cookies: Used to deliver relevant advertisements based on your interests. These are set by third-party advertisers and track across devices to provide targeted ads. Opt-out options are detailed in ‘Cookie Settings’.

For more precise control and information on how each type of cookie functions and how you can manage your preferences, refer to the 'Cookie Settings' section on our site.

How to Manage Your Cookie Preferences on AllReviews

Adjusting Cookie Settings:

  • Non-Essential Cookies: You can decline non-essential cookies by navigating to 'Cookie Preferences' located in the footer of our website, where you can update your choices.

  • Business Account Settings: If you have a business account on AllReviews, manage your settings by selecting 'Cookie Preferences' from the dropdown menu under your user icon at the top right corner.

Browser Settings:

  • Modifying Browser Configurations: Most browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can change this setting to refuse cookies or to be alerted when cookies are being sent.

  • Browser-Specific Options: Tools in browsers like Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, and Edge allow you to view and delete cookies, clear your cache, and modify your future cookie collection preferences.

  • Multiple Devices: Remember to adjust settings on each device you use to browse the internet.

Impact of Blocking Cookies:

  • While you can block many types of cookies without affecting your website experience, restricting all cookies might limit your access to certain functions and content on the site.

Further Assistance:

  • If you have questions about our cookie policy or need more information on the cookies we use, please feel free to contact us at