Our Policy on Removing Reviews

In today's competitive world of online reviews, some sites and big companies might try to change feedback or delete comments. At AllReviews, we value total honesty. Real customer feedback means great service and quality products get the praise they deserve, while not-so-great ones get fair criticism.

How Can Companies Benefit on AllReviews?

We offer two main services to boost a company's visibility and content:

  1. Better Online Visibility: Businesses can showcase their profiles more prominently on our site, including in categories, on the homepage, and on related company pages.

  2. Content Creation Services: We offer professional writing services to help companies share detailed info about their services, contact details, and policies.

These services reflect our commitment to transparency and do not alter user reviews or introduce ads on our pages. To the question: Can companies pay to remove user reviews? The answer is a firm No.

When Do We Remove Reviews?

We only remove reviews if they breach our guidelines and policies, and this happens after a thorough check by our expert team. Reviews that are removed can be appealed for another look.

Read: What happens if someone reports my review?

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the web visibility increase service?

Our web visibility increase service lets companies get prime spots on our website, like category pages. This boosts visibility without affecting the neutrality and transparency of our reviews.

Do paid company profiles get better reviews?

No, paid profiles don't get any advantage with reviews. Reviews are genuine customer opinions and reflect the company's performance and service quality.

Do paid company profiles get better ratings?

No, paid profiles are rated just like non-paying ones. Ratings are based on individual user reviews, ensuring fairness.

Do paid company profiles have review reporting privileges?

No, paid profiles don't get special treatment. The reporting function shows if the report is from a user or a company, and all complaints are reviewed equally by our team. Misusing this function will be equally penalized.