Getting Started: A Guide for Professional Reviewers

To master the art of providing constructive criticism, publishing a respectful negative opinion, or crafting neutral and informative comments on AllReviews, we will guide you through everything you need to know to write like a seasoned reviewer.

At AllReviews, we aim to foster a community that is mindful and critical of the companies and services available online. Our reviews and experiences online wield significant influence. Firstly, they can either punish or reward a company based on its behaviour and policies. Secondly, they serve to alert other users whether they should or shouldn't consider purchasing from specific websites.

Through this collective effort, we can achieve a safer, more independent, and trustworthy internet shopping environment. But what exactly is AllReviews?

What is AllReviews?

AllReviews is a platform dedicated to connecting Canadian users with online stores where they may have recently made purchases. Every time we shop, we form an opinion about the place where we just bought. Did we receive excellent customer service? Was an item returned to us in poor condition? And, crucially, would we recommend shopping here to others or be willing to go back ourselves?

AllReviews aims to allow anyone to express their opinion and publish reviews, whether they are positive or negative, as long as they adhere to our codes of conduct. Consequently, AllReviews acts as an intermediary between users and stores, and we may moderate and remove comments that don’t comply with our guidelines. If you want to ensure your review remains published, keep reading!

First Steps

There are three essential steps that every new AllReviews user should follow to become a proficient reviewer of companies from which they have purchased. These steps can be summarized as follows:

  1. Create Your Own Profile

Creating a profile on AllReviews is straightforward and requires only basic information such as your name and email. Remember, when you write an opinion, your name will appear alongside it. To protect your privacy, avoid including your full last name. If you prefer to remain anonymous, you can contact our support team to display just your initials.

  1. Manage Your Own Profile

Once set up, you will have access to a general panel where you can view your opinions and scores. There are customization options available, such as changing your profile photo if you wish to become one of our star reviewers.

Is it essential to create a profile? Absolutely. Having a profile adds credibility to your words as a former customer, whether you are satisfied or dissatisfied with the service received. AllReviews always prioritizes the security and privacy of its members and does not tolerate intimidation from companies unhappy with feedback.

What are the benefits of creating a profile? By having your own profile, you can manage, edit, or delete your opinions, especially if you resolve issues with the company you reviewed. Also, if a company responds to a comment, you can receive notifications directly via email.

Can I delete my profile and data? Certainly. AllReviews takes data protection and privacy very seriously. You only need to contact us to initiate the process.

Start Now!

With your account verified and set up, you can now freely explore AllReviews and browse companies across various categories such as Clothing Stores, Insurance, Financial Services, and much more. At AllReviews, we host profiles of thousands of companies where you have likely made purchases.

We Recommend…

  • Think about the online stores where you have recently shopped or received services and have an opinion, whether positive or negative.

  • Use the search engine at the top left to type in the brand name. If we have it registered, you can access it and see existing comments from other users.

  • You can read and respond to comments and create your detailed opinion on whether you would recommend shopping at the web store again.

Remember, your comments can receive upvotes, making them more visible to other users. Use this responsibly!

What Can You Find in a Company Profile?

Aside from user reviews, company profiles contain useful and relevant information:

  1. A brief description of the company: This section covers the company’s foundation, year of establishment, and other details providing context on its history.

  2. Basic contact information: Many AllReviews users seek company profiles to contact those in charge or leave feedback.

  3. Total score: When writing a review, you can rate the company from 1 to 5 stars based on your experience as a customer, considering products, services, pricing, and delivery. You’ll also answer a crucial question for the community: Would you buy from this store again?

All this information is publicly accessible to both users and the company itself.

How to Write Reviews on AllReviews

Writing a review is a serious task, and it’s important to remain professional. It's crucial to measure your words carefully to avoid penalties that might prevent your comment from reaching the intended audience.

Therefore, it’s advisable to organize your thoughts and recall your experience accurately for a detailed, descriptive, and realistic review.

Each company profile has a section for writing a review, open to all former clients. We randomly send emails to verify purchases after a comment is posted. If you can't provide proof of purchase, your comment won’t receive the “verified” mark.

Write an Excellent Review on AllReviews

To write an outstanding review that genuinely helps and guides other users, follow these guidelines:

  • Remain honest: Even if dissatisfied with a product or service, report honestly about what happened. Avoid manipulating data or dates. If the owner disputes the review as false and it's proven to be untrue, it may be removed.

  • Be as descriptive as possible: This doesn’t mean sharing anecdotes or off-topic details. Instead, focus on useful information that helps others decide whether to purchase based on your experience.

  • Avoid overly detailed personal information: Do not include private details, addresses, or names of company employees you interacted with. Protect both your data and the company’s privacy.

To Write a Review…

  1. Enter your Name and Email.

  2. Mention the service or product purchased.

  3. Describe your overall experience, including product quality, pricing, and customer service. Did you face any issues? How were they addressed? Highlight aspects that can help readers gauge whether the store is reliable.

  4. Rate the company from 1 to 5 stars based on Product, Service, Pricing, and Delivery. This gives a cumulative score for your review.

  5. Finally, indicate whether you would buy from the website again, summarizing your overall experience and attitude towards the business.

Remember, writing comments is easy, but crafting thoughtful, considerate, and professional reviews is challenging. Keep in mind that thousands of users will read your review and make decisions based on your insights, so be respectful, fair, and responsible.