AT&T Reviews

: 17
18% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Got my problem fixed
The Indian workers there were not helpful at all, but this American lady came to my rescue and so...Read on
Hazle Johnston

Most relevant negative review

Phone service
The company's service was not great, they kept lying about how good it was. And on top of th...Read on
A. Gorczany

Review with most votes

iPhone device purchase
My time with this company has been a real letdown. The customer service was just plain awful, I f...Read on

Reviews (17)






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    Would buy here again

    Phone service

    The company's service was not great, they kept lying about how good it was. And on top of that, they were so pushy and rude to customers who wanted to leave. I wish I never even thought about using their service and I recommend others to steer clear of it.

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    Would buy here again

    Recent service cancellation

    I had to cancel my service with this company and I had some trouble getting a credit refund. They said I was going to get $100 back on my card, but that never happened. When I asked for my money back after cancelling, they told me I could only get an AT&T prepaid card, but I didn't want that since I don't use their services. Even when I explained this to them, they still wouldn't give me the refund I deserved. The customer service team was not very understanding or flexible, and that really let me down. I won't be doing business with them again after this bad experience. It's frustrating to think that my money might be gone for good with no solution in sight. I hope someone in charge can fix this and give me a better answer because the customer service so far has not been good.

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    Would buy here again

    Customer service nightmare

    It's Saturday and I've wasted almost 3 hours trying to fix a simple problem with no success! AT&T's automated system makes it so hard to talk to a real person. Out of 11 tries, I only got through to a live person three times, and then got transferred to someone else and left waiting in silence before getting cut off. I've been a loyal customer for years, but with their expensive prices and awful service, I'm really thinking about switching!

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    Would buy here again

    Phone purchase

    I recently got a new phone from this company, and let me tell you, it was a total nightmare. The customer service was absolutely terrible, the salespeople didn't seem to know anything, and to top it off, they didn't even have the phone I wanted in stock. I was so frustrated that I wanted to switch to another company, but I was stuck because of my contract. I definitely wouldn't recommend this company to anyone in Canada, it's just not worth the hassle.

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    Would buy here again

    Phone plan

    Oh man, I signed up for a phone plan at this one place and it was terrible. They kept adding extra charges for no reason! So I switched to a different company, but can you believe they kept charging me even after I left? I tried reaching out to their customer service, but it was so frustrating. They were rude, gave me incorrect information, and even hung up on me! Honestly, I wouldn't recommend going there at all.

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    Would buy here again

    Unexpected price increase

    Oh man, can you believe it? My bill suddenly jumped from $107 to $396 because they mistakenly added a service I never asked for. They managed to correct it, but they couldn't refund me right away. I had to wait for a new credit card to arrive in the mail for 3 days, so frustrating! Plus, it caused my bank account to be overdrawn, such a hassle!

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    Would buy here again

    cellphone plan

    I've been a customer for more than ten years, but the way the staff has treated me lately has really got me frustrated. It feels like they don't care about me at all. The service has always been just okay, and they don't seem to care if I'm happy or not. The prices are fair, but that doesn't matter much when the service is so bad. They did deliver on time, but that doesn't make up for all the other problems I've had dealing with them.

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    Would buy here again

    Internet service through a particular carrier

    I just signed up for internet with this company because they said I'd get a $150 gift card for a specific store. But, I never got it. So annoying to be told one thing and get another. After waiting for 2 months, I decided to cancel and stick with my old internet provider.

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    Would buy here again

    Got my problem fixed

    The Indian workers there were not helpful at all, but this American lady came to my rescue and solved my problem in just five minutes. I really wish I knew her name so I could show more gratitude! I've updated my review from one star to five stars ❤️❤️

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    Would buy here again

    Internet service

    I'm really disappointed with the service I've been getting from this company. My email got hacked, and even though I changed it, they switched it back to the old one. My Wi-Fi is acting up and I got a duplicate phone number. They don't reply to emails about complaints, they'd rather call, which is really frustrating for us customers. I don't want to switch to another company, but they really need to sort out these problems and keep their loyal customers happy. Raising the internet charges without giving Fiber service is not cool. They're not communicating these changes well, which doesn't show good customer service. I hope they work on keeping customers happy and provide better service.

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    Would buy here again

    Switched to fiber internet

    So, I was really excited about getting fiber internet for my home and business, thinking it would be a game-changer, you know? But man, it turned out to be a total nightmare. The setup at first was all good, smooth sailing, but after that, everything just went downhill. My internet bills for both places went through the roof, up to $700 in one month! I felt totally scammed and ripped off. And don't even get me started on trying to deal with customer service. It was a real nightmare! They had outsourced it to some foreign country, so there were all these communication issues and they were no help at all. Ended up with no internet at home for a whole 4 weeks and my business net was always crashing. Then, to top it off, after just 2 months, our landlines stopped working completely. Honestly, this whole switch to fiber internet has been a disaster from start to finish.

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    Would buy here again

    New phone line

    I just got a new phone plan from your company, and they said I would get a gift card as part of a promo. But when I tried to get it, and after many calls to different departments, they said I couldn't have it. It was a big waste of my time and energy, and I was super let down with the service.

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    Would buy here again

    Recent Security Issue

    I'm really disappointed with how little your security team is doing to keep customers safe from scammers. One guy named "Jason" with a thick Indian accent has been targeting seniors to steal info, make purchases without permission, and swipe money. These scammers have been at it for a while now, changing their voices and using fancy gear to trick people. It's crazy to think there might be some folks on the inside helping these scammers out, like what happened to my family.

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    Would buy here again

    iPhone device purchase

    My time with this company has been a real letdown. The customer service was just plain awful, I felt like I was being lied to when I bought my device, and I had a hard time paying it off. On top of that, the signal around where I live is always weak, and I can't even get another eSIM for work. It's been 7 months and none of these problems have been fixed, and the company won't do anything about it.

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    Would buy here again

    Privacy breach

    ATT totally messed up and leaked my personal info, eh? I tried giving them a call for help, but they just kept passing me around in circles. It's like they only care about taking my money and not actually helping me out, eh? Not cool, eh?

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Cell phone plan

    I just changed my cell phone plan and boy, let me tell you, it was a real downer. Even though I'm shelling out a good chunk of change every month, the service is so-so at best. Dropped calls left, right, and center, and the reception is spotty as an old quilt. I'm seriously bummed out about how much I'm paying for next to no service. I can't wait for my contract to end so I can finally ditch this whole mess.

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    Would buy here again

    Billing services

    I just got billing services and it didn't go too well. I was told it would be $80 but when I got the bill, it was actually $10 more. I called customer service and found out a package was added without asking me first. They said they'll fix it and next month the bill will be lower.

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