What happens if someone reports my opinion?

It's quite common in our community to receive an email notification about being reported by another user. Don't stress! Often, it's just a human error and can be resolved within minutes.

Although most opinions deleted from our platform stem from automated detection of malicious or mass-produced content, we also empower our users to report and respond to complaints to defend their reviews and opinions regarding a store or business.

Why Was Your Opinion Reported?

AllReviews is committed to transparency and honesty. To support this, we allow users to rate, respond, debate on company pages, and report posts that they believe violate our responsible content policy.

Our team carefully evaluates all user complaints. Some decisions are clear-cut, while others require more deliberation. Often, reports are related to the use of inappropriate language, harsh expressions, or offensive remarks about the company. In such cases, you will need to edit and correct your review for it to be approved again.

For severe policy violations, such as:

  • Spam content targeting third parties
  • Unverified AI-generated content
  • Attempts to influence consumers regarding the goods or services of a company on AllReviews

These cases result in a permanent account suspension and deletion of all associated opinions.

What to Do If Your Opinion Is Reported?

If your opinion has been reported, wait for an email detailing the reason and necessary actions. At AllReviews, we believe in human error and second chances, allowing users to appeal our decision if they feel it is unjust or lacks context.

When an opinion is reported, there are three possible outcomes:

  1. Dismiss the Complaint - If there aren't sufficient grounds to remove the opinion.
  2. Contact Both Parties or Conduct an Investigation - If the solution isn't clear, we will request additional information to verify the opinion.
  3. Delete the Reported Review - If there are compelling reasons for its removal.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who Can Report My Review?

Both AllReviews users and business owners can report your comment. Be mindful of your wording, especially when sharing a negative experience with a company.

Is the Resolution Process Different if Reported by a User or a Business?

No, AllReviews treats all reports equally, regardless of their origin. We ensure equal standing between users and business representatives.

What Happens if Someone Abuses the Reporting Function?

If a user repeatedly reports others and their reports are consistently rejected, indicating a potential pattern of defamation, they will face appropriate consequences, including possible account suspension.