Whittard of Chelsea Reviews

: 22
95% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Coffee and tea purchase
I just bought some coffee and tea from that store and one of the items ended up being damaged whe...Read on
E. Aufderhar

Review with most votes

Santos & Java coffee, Espr
I just bought the Santos & Java coffee blend online and it was so good! The flavor is really ...Read on

Reviews (22)






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    Would buy here again

    Glass teapot gift

    So, you know, I got this glass teapot for my mom as a gift, eh? And when she opened it, she found out the handle was cracked, eh. I mean, what a total bummer, buddy. But, you know, I didn't have a receipt and the store was really far away. So, I emailed customer service with some pics and this awesome girl named Monica totally saved the day, eh! She sent a new teapot super fast and now my mom is over the moon. She's been through a rough time with cancer and stuff, so a nice cup of tea is like her daily medicine, you know. Monica even checked in to make sure everything was cool. Thanks a ton, Monica and Whittard, eh!

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    Would buy here again

    Turkish Apple Tea

    I bought some Turkish Apple Tea from that store and I gotta say, I was pretty let down. The first one I tried was delicious, so I ended up grabbing four more tubs along with a different type of tea. But when I tried the other tubs, they were all super sweet, like all sugar and no apple flavor whatsoever. They all had the same batch number too.

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