Balsam Hill Reviews

: 23
91% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Wreaths, tree, wreath holders
We've been customers for a long time and have bought lots of stuff from this company. Everyt...Read on
H. Vandervort

Most relevant negative review

Overpriced product
I was pretty disappointed with the thing I bought. It was way too small and not fluffy enough for...Read on
P. O'Hara

Review with most votes

Return label mix-up
I just had to call customer service because they sent me the wrong return label. I clearly told t...Read on

Reviews (23)






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    Would buy here again

    Credit card purchase

    I just made a purchase with a credit card that I hadn't used for about 10 months. After I did that, I saw some sketchy charges on my account from random places. When I called customer service to tell them what happened, the person I talked to didn't seem to get it or care about my worries.

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    Would buy here again

    Wreath purchase

    The wreath I got was so beautiful and well-made. The design and materials were really top quality and it looked so elegant in my home. But I wish there had been a note in the box telling me to fluff it out for the right size. At first, I thought they sent me the wrong size and it caused some confusion and extra calls to customer service. Adding that little note would have saved me some time and trouble overall.

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    Would buy here again

    Return label mix-up

    I just had to call customer service because they sent me the wrong return label. I clearly told them what I was sending back and even left a note saying how much I liked the product, but somehow they sent me a label for something else. Luckily, Andy was super nice. He was understanding about the mistake and gave me great customer service. He even said he would refund my account and told me to keep the item. I'm really happy with how they handled everything and I'm excited to shop for fall plants and Christmas stuff soon!

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