The Princeton Review Reviews

: 27
93% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Study course, helpful lessons,
I absolutely loved my study course, eh? The lessons were so helpful and my grades improved a bunc...Read on
Rae Shields

Most relevant negative review

AP Chemistry review course
I signed up my kid for a pricey 6-hour AP Chemistry review course, thinking it would help. But, a...Read on

Review with most votes

Test prep course satisfaction
I just finished a test prep course that really helped me out. The teacher was great and the mater...Read on
Loren Stoltenberg

Reviews (27)






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    Would buy here again

    Helpful Tutor, Great Explanations, Effective Tricks

    My tutor was super patient and really took the time to explain everything to me. Whenever I had trouble understanding something, we went over it in detail until I got it. They also showed me some helpful tips that made it easier for me to answer questions correctly. Overall, the tutoring was really helpful and made a big difference in how well I understand the material.

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    Would buy here again

    Engaging chem course

    I just finished a super interesting chemistry course that really got me excited about studying the subject again. The way the course was set up was well done, and the teacher, Tracy Tourville, was amazing. She was always there to help and explained things in a way that made it easy to understand. I used to have a hard time with chemistry, but Tracy made it fun to learn and grasp. All in all, I was really impressed with how good the course was and how much it improved my chemistry skills.

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    Would buy here again

    Practice materials, explanations, examples

    As a customer at the company, I was really impressed with the huge variety of practice materials they gave me. The drills and tests helped me a lot in getting ready for my exams. There were so many practice questions to go through, and the book explained hard concepts in a really clear and easy-to-understand way. The examples they showed were great for applying what I learned in the lessons. Overall, I thought the study materials were really thorough and helpful for getting ready for my tests.

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    Would buy here again

    Math tutor sessions

    I really love my math tutor! They explain things in a way that just clicks for me. Before, math used to give me a headache, but now I feel so much more confident in my abilities. I can even help explain things to my friends now. Thanks to my tutor, I feel like a math whiz!

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    Would buy here again

    Exceptional SAT tutor

    Our SAT tutor was amazing, eh! She really knew her stuff, helped our kid get awesome results. Anne Cullens is for sure the top SAT tutor we've ever had. We appreciate all her help in pushing our kid to do their best. Joining The Princeton Review was totally worth it. Big thanks to Anne Cullens and the whole Princeton Review team for all their great service. We'll definitely be enrolling our other kid for SAT tutoring soon. Cheers!

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    Would buy here again

    Test prep course

    The test prep course I took was super helpful in getting me ready for my upcoming exam. The instructor knew their stuff and was always there to help with any questions I had. The material covered everything I needed and now I feel way more confident about acing the exam. I'd definitely suggest this course to anyone looking to boost their test-taking skills.

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    Would buy here again

    Tutor sessions

    The tutoring sessions I had were really good and helped me a lot to improve my score. The material they gave me was easy to understand and my tutor answered all my questions with patience and skill. I felt confident and ready after every session.

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