All reviews of H. Cartwright
Review about: Hot Topic
Clothing & Accessories
Hey there, just wanted to give you a heads-up for anyone considering shopping online here. The website is a total disaster - I mean, who even created that mess? I tried to buy something and when I clicked "review order" it just kept spinning. I attempted on different devices and browsers, but no success. When I asked for help, they had the nerve to suggest I call in my order. Hold on a second, I'm not comfortable giving my credit card info over the phone, especially to a company with that kind of reputation. Get it together with your website, guys.
Review about: Henrys
Lens purchase gone wrong
So, I recently bought a lens from Henry's, or so I thought. It took forever for my order to arrive, so I decided to check in on the status. Turns out, Henry's had no record of my order, even though I showed them the confirmation email. Pretty annoyed with their lack of organization, I told them I didn't want the lens anymore and found a better option somewhere else. But then, Henry's reached out to tell me they actually did send the lens that I supposedly never ordered. Now, I'm stuck with this lens I didn't want and they aren't communicating properly. This isn't the first time I've had issues with Henry's, like that one time they charged me for two lenses by mistake. Needless to say, I don't trust their services as much anymore.