Qobuz Reviews

: 9
89% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Classical music purchase
Qobuz is amazing, eh! I've been using it for ages, and at first, it was kinda confusing with...Read on

Review with most votes

Music streaming subscription
I just got a music streaming subscription as a gift and I gotta say, I'm absolutely loving i...Read on

Reviews (9)






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    Would buy here again

    Three months subscription gifted by the music streaming service

    Receiving that three-month subscription from the music streaming service was just amazing, eh. I loved how there was such a variety of music to choose from, with genres and artists from all over the place. One thing that really stood out for me was the recommended music feature, it was so cool to be introduced to new songs and artists that I probably wouldn't have found on my own. It was awesome being able to listen to music while I was working, it definitely made my days more fun and productive. In the end, I was super happy to have the chance to uncover and enjoy some new music through that subscription, for sure.

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    Would buy here again

    Classical music purchase

    Qobuz is amazing, eh! I've been using it for ages, and at first, it was kinda confusing with all the French stuff, but now it's really awesome, eh. The sound quality is top-notch most of the time, and they even helped me out when I had a question about an album. The classical music search feature is way better than other sites, it's like they just get me, you know? So long Spotify, hello Qobuz, eh!

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    Would buy here again

    High res music streaming

    I just started using this service and I gotta say, it's really made a difference for me. I love that warning they give you when you try to buy the same digital music twice - it's a small thing but it shows they're looking out for us. The streaming quality is amazing, as long as your internet can keep up. And let's be honest, you can't beat the price for the kind of quality they offer.

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    Would buy here again

    3 months of unlimited high-quality music streaming

    I got this free 3-month trial for some fancy music streaming service and I've been giving it a go for about a week now. Gotta say, the tunes sound pretty great, the app is easy to use, and I like that there's a lot of different music to choose from. But, I gotta be real, the recommendations they're giving me are kinda meh and I had a tough time finding that Qobuz Club they talked about.

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    Would buy here again

    Music streaming subscription

    I just got a music streaming subscription as a gift and I gotta say, I'm absolutely loving it. There's so much music to choose from, it feels like endless options. I've been finding some really great artists and songs I've never heard before. The site is super easy to use too, which is awesome. I've been having a blast exploring all the different types of music they have.

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    Would buy here again

    My recent music streaming subscription

    I think the concept is pretty good, but you really need a bunch of data or a phone with a ton of storage to fully appreciate the top-notch audio quality! Especially if you're willing to splurge a bit 😅 - If you don't have a fancy sound system, you might not notice much of a contrast compared to other platforms like the really popular one.

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    Would buy here again

    Streaming music service

    Qobuz is definitely the top streaming service around, no doubt about it. They have such a great range of music genres to choose from, and the sound quality is amazing. Whether I'm listening on my phone, speaker, or in my car, the music sounds fantastic. I'm totally hooked on Qobuz now, they've got me as a loyal customer for sure.

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    Would buy here again

    Affordable high-quality music streaming

    I gotta say, my time using this music streaming service has been amazing. The sound quality is so good, especially with that Hi-Res Audio - just blows me away. And I love how there's such a huge variety of music to choose from for streaming or downloading. I definitely think you should give it a shot and see for yourself!

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    Would buy here again

    Music streaming service

    I really like this music streaming service, it's so convenient and easy to use. I can easily find all my favorite artists and the sound quality is amazing when I listen to music. The app runs really well, it's fast, and the best part is that it didn't cost me anything to download.

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