Flume Reviews

: 8
100% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Smart water monitor
I really like the smart water monitor I got from here! It's like having a cool spy gadget in...Read on
Alexanne Schuppe

Reviews (8)






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    Would buy here again

    Smart water monitor

    I really like the smart water monitor I got from here! It's like having a cool spy gadget in my house that saves water and money. I can see exactly how much water I'm using in real-time and get alerts for leaks. It's fun trying to use less water every day, and it's good for the environment too. Setting it up was super easy, even for someone like me who's not great with tech. I'm really happy with my purchase overall!

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    Would buy here again

    Smart home water monitor

    I just bought a smart home water monitor from Flume and I gotta say, I'm really impressed with how it works. It was super easy to attach to my water meter at home, and it gave me real-time info on my water usage. It not only helped me find leaks, but it also gave me useful tips on how to use water more efficiently. The app that came with it was easy to use and understand, which made it simple for me to keep track of my water usage data. All in all, I'm really happy with my purchase and I definitely think others should check it out.

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    Would buy here again

    Smart home water monitor

    I just got this smart home water monitor from this company, and I gotta say, I'm really impressed with what it can do. It's been super helpful in making me more conscious of how much water I use every day, so now I can make adjustments to save water and cut costs. The live data and leak detection are great features that have been a big help, and I'm grateful for the tips on how to use water more wisely. All in all, I'm really happy with my purchase from this company.

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    Would buy here again

    Smart home water monitor

    I just got this smart home water monitor from Flume and I gotta say, it's been pretty impressive. I hooked it up to my water meter at home and now I can see real-time data on how much water I'm using. It's not just about spotting leaks, it also gives me some helpful tips on how I can use water more wisely. Having this thing around really makes my life easier and gives me one less thing to worry about.

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    Would buy here again

    Water monitor for home usage

    The water monitor I got from you folks has really made a big difference for me. It was super easy to set up, and having that real-time info on how much water I'm using has made me more aware of my habits. I really appreciate that it can catch leaks and give me tips on how to use water better. Plus, it looks great and fits right in with my home decor. I would totally suggest this product to anyone trying to save on water and cash, and also trying to be more eco-friendly.

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    Would buy here again

    Water management solution purchase

    I just bought this water management system from this company and I gotta say, it's been amazing. The smart home water monitor gives me real-time info on how much water I'm using, helping me spot leaks and control my water usage better. And it's not just easy to set up and use, the tips it gives me have really opened my eyes. Now I can keep tabs on my water usage more precisely and make smarter choices to cut down on waste and save some cash.

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    Would buy here again

    Smart home water monitor

    I picked up a smart home water monitor from this company and I have to say, I was really impressed with how easy it was to set up and use. The real-time data on my water usage has been super useful in helping me figure out ways to save water and cash. Plus, being able to spot leaks and getting alerts has really put my mind at ease when it comes to water problems at home. I'd totally suggest this product to anyone wanting to up their game in water management and sustainability.

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    Would buy here again

    Smart home water monitor

    As a homeowner who cares about saving water, I was super excited to find the smart home water monitor from Flume. The setup was pretty quick and simple, and in no time, I could see exactly how much water I was using in real-time. I was able to spot a hidden leak that was making my water bill go through the roof, and I got some great tips on how to use water more wisely. The app for the monitor is easy to use and gives me all the info I need to make smart choices about my water usage. I'm really happy with how well this product works.

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